Epilepsy (generalised seizures)

Epilepsy can develop at any age.

In this article:

What is epilepsy?




Effect on your life

How Chemist Online can help


Advice & Support

What is epilepsy?
There are several types of epilepsy. This article will focus upon generalised seizures – the type of seizure most people associate with epilepsy (where abnormal electrical activity in the brain creates the onset of a range of symptoms).

When a person suffers an epileptic generalised seizure they:

Fall down

Lose consciousness

Suffer body stiffening or begin to jerk uncontrollably

Become incontinent

Aggressively bite their tongue

Often, after a generalised seizure (which usually occurs in one short burst of a few minutes), the person feels sleepy or overwhelmingly tired, depending upon the severity of the seizure.

Despite worldwide medical research, as yet it is still unclear exactly what causes epileptic seizures. What is known is that sudden abnormal bursts of electric activity in the brain occur without any prior warning and with no evident trigger – resulting in the aforementioned symptoms and behaviours. However, some experts strongly suggest that epilepsy may develop as a result of some sort of brain damage or a brain injury.

Other suggested causes include:

Alcohol or drug abuse


Brain tumours

Also, some people may have a genetic predisposition to developing epilepsy. This means that there is a family history of epilepsy which may have been passed down.

If you think you may have suffered an epileptic seizure, arrange an appointment with your GP. After taking your medical history, a diagnosis will be made based upon your description of your seizures – what happens, how often they occur, any suspected triggers, etc.

To establish a confirmed diagnosis you may be asked to undergo a brain scan (an MRI scan or CT scan), and/or an EEG (Electroencephalogram) where the electrical activity in your brain will be recorded.

Based upon the results of the scans an appropriate treatment will be recommended to you.

Effect on your life
To avoid the sudden onset of an epileptic seizure the best thing you can do is to try to avoid triggers, such as: stress and/or anxiety; sleep deprivation (e.g., due to working long hours; disturbed sleep due to some other emotional or environmental factor); strobe lighting; video or computer games which display sudden bright flashing images; and also having a low blood sugar level as a result of missing meals.

Although epilepsy cannot be cured as such, it may be possible for your GP or a specialist to prescribe stabilising medication which reduces the frequency of seizures.

Where epileptic generalised seizures are particularly severe you may be asked to consider surgery (where a small part of the brain is removed).

How Chemist Online can help
Through this website we have a range of products available to buy which can help you to monitor your blood glucose levels.


Advice & Support
Epilepsy Action
Helpline: 0808 800 5050
Website: www.epilepsy.org.uk

National Society for Epilepsy
Helpline: 01494 601 400
Website: www.epilepsynse.org.uk

This information and advice is not intended to replace the advice of your GP or chemist. Chemist Online is also not responsible or liable for any diagnosis made by a user based upon the content of the Chemist Online website. Chemist Online is also not liable for the contents of any external internet sites listed, nor does it endorse any commercial product or service mentioned or advised on any of the sites.

Tips to Evaluate a Web Development Company before Hiring

Websites aren’t products, they are services. This is the reason why it becomes necessary to choose a web development company that understands you and your vision. If you don’t want to be one of those companies who have a bad experience in launching their new website, here are few tips to consider when hiring a website development company.

Tips to evaluate:

Consider all important factors

Make sure you are finding more information about the company and not just their price and services. Everything looks simple and easy on the surface. It is only when you dig deep, you will be able to determine if the company has the expertise to handle your requirements. It is important to ask questions about the technologies they use, their experience in this field, the projects they have handled and so on. Don’t make price and turnaround time the only important consideration when choosing a web development company.

Experience is very important

When hiring a website development agency, you need to choose one that has sufficient experience in this field. Experience matters because you would want to work with an agency that has handled projects similar to yours. If an agency is into web development from several years, it means it must have gone through its share of successes and failures. This experience will help the team of developers deliver challenging enterprise solutions to their client. So make sure you choose an agency that has more than five to six years of experience into web development.

Technologies being used

Most web development companies are tech-savvy but not all have the time to follow the changes that occur in their industry. Therefore, when you get in touch with two to three agencies to compare their rates and offerings, make sure you ask them about the technologies they use for developing websites. Their answers will help you decide if they are up to date with the latest changes in the industry and whether or not they will be able to handle your website requirements.

Projects handled

When reviewing the portfolio of a web development firms, it is necessary to pay attention to the projects they have handled for other companies in the same industry as yours. A reputed team will be aware of the specialized technology and strategy for different industries.

Comprehensive services

Make sure the company you hire has been evaluated on the basis of comprehensive services it has to offer. A full service firm will handle your project from the start to the end. From estimating and outlining initial specifications to designing, development and testing, the firm will handle all aspects for you. So ensure that the agency of your choice is offering comprehensive services too.

Once you have a well-designed website ready, you will also need professional SEO services. It will be required for bringing your website on top of search engine results. Most reputed web development companies also offer search engine optimization services.

Effective Natural Treatment Of Dysentery Through Foods

Dysentery is a common disease of the bowels attended with normal bleeding and mucous stools. The patient of dysentery does not feel eager and feels pathetic in the beginning. There are common stools marked by irregular pain in the stomach and passing of a white fatty substance called mucous by which the occurrence of diarrheic stools enhance.

There are two types of dysentery and the first is Bacillary dysentery. The patient of bacillary dysentery feels the urge for passing the stools frequency. These stools are clear by a bloody flux. The second type of dysentery is Amoebic dysentery. Amoebic is caused by the germ entamoeba histolytia. This germs gets into the intestines with filthy food and causes swelling. It slowly turns into constant and then it is not easy to treat.

Dysentery is mainly caused by increase of too much of stool in the intestines. There are so many effective natural treatment of dysentery through foods that you can mainly used to avoid amoebic dysentery. Some of these natural foods are discussed below:

1. Bel: Ripe bel syrup give a flourishing treatment for dysentery along with mucous. It clears the bowel efficiently.

2. Lemon: Drinking lemon juice with fresh water 3 times in a day is useful in dysentery. Taking lemon with milk is the best natural treatment of dysentery through foods.

3. Wheat: Grind aniseed, mix up the powder in water, strain it and use it to squeeze wheat flour. Make the chapattis and eat them during mealtime. It is effective natural foods for the people who are suffering from dysentery and diarrhea.

4. Black pepper: Consuming of black pepper is useful for patients of dysentery

5. Lady finger: Eating lady’s finger vegetable is a useful treatment of dysentery through foods. It eliminates resistance from the intestines.

6. Basil: The utilization of basil leaves mixed with sugar helps to heal dysentery.

7. Gram: Immerse 2 handful of gram shell for the night in water into a clay pot. Strain it in the next morning and drink the water.

8. Cumin seeds: Roast grinds cumin seeds and mixes it with one teaspoon honey and takes it every day after meals. Taking of butter milk with cumin seeds powder is also beneficial foods for the treatment of constant dysentery and disorders of the appetite.

9. Harad: Cook small harad and aniseed in clarified butter, grind it, mix up the sugar candy powder and take one teaspoon every day with hot water.

10. Tea: Tea includes polyphenol which devastates the germ that caused to dysentery. The patients who are suffering from dysentery can drink tea.

11. Water: Water is an effective natural treatment of dysentery. Drinking of one glass of hot water regularly after meals is good and effective treatment for patients of amoebiasis.

The natural treatment of dysentery through foods tends to expel intestines and cleans the stomach. Therefore we should help nature in this respect.